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-THE RUMOUR MILL- May 1024 Edition, Wiinisi Territories


TOP STORY: Peace in our time? After a heated meeting between representatives of the Republic of Zale and the Wiimaakeen, a tenuous agreement has been signed by both parties. Articles of importance include the boundaries of Watch Site Gamma, the payment of volunteer guides from the Wiimaakeen, the construction of watchtowers along the island’s coast, and the introduction of Republic law upon the island in the form of the reporting of daemonic activity. A tithe has also been implemented onto the Wiimaakeen in the form of “bird poop”- the words of our on-site reporter Jaime, not this scrupulous editor! Indeed: this “bird poop” is used in the creation of a draught which is used to remove exposure from the afflicted. That ain’t a crappy deal for the Republic in the end! Whether this agreement holds is yet to be seen, but with boundaries set in place and Republic personnel given the ability to patrol the island with Wiimaakeen guides, only time will tell if this stability holds. 

Captain Arlux of the Holy Order of Spoken Diplomacy had this to say on the matter: “After a few items were discussed between myself and representatives of the Wiimaakeen, I am optimistic of the potential the negotiations have opened. The safety of both the Republic and the residents of Wiinisi island are of utmost priority, and we hope with the cooperation of the Wiimaakeen people we can come to a mutually beneficial relationship with time. Patrols from members of the Brotherhood are here to protect everyone: the Wiimaakeen included.”

Wiimaakeen representatives have been more reserved in their outlook on the peace talks. Binishii, a well respected member of the Wiimaakeen, had a more curt response to our inquiries: “The Republic is here whether we like it or not. It is in our people’s best interest to cooperate with the Republic.”

BOUNTY NOTICE: Red Caps have been scouring the area around Watch Site Gamma for a suspected runaway convict from Boland. The fugitive is identified as Walon Pines, an elf with a distinct scar across his right eye. They are wanted for acts of impersonating a member of the nobility, impersonating a member of the clergy, fraud, robbery, forging documents, fencing of stolen goods, counterfeiting, murder, and accessory to murder. The fugitive is considered armed and dangerous. Information on their whereabouts presented to the Red Caps that leads to a successful arrest will result in a lump sum reward of five whims. Capture of the fugitive will result in a lump sum reward of 40 whims alive/30 whims dead: “the offended lord overseeing this isn’t picky on whether or not Walon stands trial for a second time or not.”

NATURE CORNER: Wiinisi Island has a great variety of flora and fauna unique to its shores, in particular when it comes to its arachnid population. (cont.)A great deal of arachnids of many shapes and sizes live on the island and call it home, from the rocky cliff-like shores, to the vast forests, and the verdant fields. Keep an eye out and you too might see some of the island’s wonders!

LOCAL GOSSIP: Residents and scouts claim to have run into a pair of figures offering riddles in order to pass them on the trails! So far no one interviewed has been able to pass these mysterious toll collectors, and anyone who tries moving past them has come home in need of healing. When asked about the nature of the riddles, those interviewed referred to them as “infuriating”.

CONGRATULATIONS!: The Rumour Monger would like to congratulate Ilya and Rudger of the Weemaakiin on the birth of their beautiful baby, Grimsby! Here’s to many healthy years!

GRAND OPENING: Residents of the Watch Site celebrated the finishing of Peggy’s Ladle Inn and Ale House with drinks and merry making! For anyone looking to rest their weary head, Peggy’s Ladle has all the amenities of a modern inn: warm beds, warm meals, and ice cold beverages of the alcoholic and non-alcoholic variety! The position of “Kitchen Wench” is currently vacant and applications for the position can be presented to the proprietors of the inn during operating hours. Experience in entertaining, healing, cooking, serving, and throwing slimy wet dish cloths are important skills necessary for the job, as is throwing out rowdy and unruly customers.

MONTHLY FORTUNE: FROM THE CARDS: “Time is like a river: flowing in one direction. Diverting the river often has unforeseen consequences, but you’ll never know what those are if you never act on it. Pounce! Grab tomorrow by the throat!” LUNAR FORTUNE: “Those born under a harvest moon should reconsider their investments this month. The birds will come home to roost.” - Monthly Fortune Provided by Salazar the Scandalous. For personal fortune readings please inquire. 

ADVERTISEMENT: “Need a package delivered? A letter to arrive promptly? Call upon the Messenger’s Guild! With branches and services in every corner of the realms, we promise speedy delivery times with a smile, every time! Hassle free and no questions asked, the Messenger’s Guild is looking forward to hauling your packages and parcels! Now with carriers operating out of Wiinisi Island!*Note: all packages require a service and handling fee to be delivered”


Would you like to purchase ad space? Talk to Flynt Inkifingers at the Rumour Mill Office on Wiinisi Island for further information! (It’s the shed nearby Peggy’s Ladle) We’ll put LITERALLY ANYTHING here for three gems/whims/mana! NOTE: Office is closed during gatherings of the DHAL; do not disturb me.

See you next month, rumour mongers! 


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